Formatting Options for Duplication

Monday, March 3, 2008

It would be much simpler if everything was just a CD that came in the same box with the same options.  But, with the capacities of technology, as well as the different formatting needs, are also more capabilities for duplication of CDs and the way in which you can approach getting your information onto a disk. 

Most have seen the letters and wording that is behind each type of CD, ranging from different formats to specific characteristics within a CD.  However, defining these different letters and formats can help you to determine what type of CDs you should use for duplication and different CD jobs, so that you can get the most out of every part of the process. 

CD – R: CD – R begins with the ability to have a blank disk at your finger tips.  If you only see the wording ' CD' it probably already has data that is available on it.  A CD-R; however, is completely blank and writable.  The 'R' stands for record able and can be used for burning your data, information or music into one space. 

CD – RW:  Like the CD – R, this particular type of CD is record able.  However, there is one major difference between the two.  Because there is a 'RW', there is also the ability to re-write or record over any of the information that has already been placed on the CD.  Typically, there will be a limit on how many times you are able to erase and re-write the CD, averaging at about 1,000 times before the CD becomes read only.  You should also keep in mind that CD – Rws are not typically used for CD players, audio or music.  Instead, they are used for computer information and storage space. 

CD – ROM:  This particular type of CD is one that you will find in stores with music or data already on it.  The ROM stands for read only memory.  This means that you can not record over the information that is already there.  While you can open the information and look at it, everything is frozen with the data and can not be changed or manipulated in any way.  Often times, a CD – R will turn into a CD – ROM, depending on the formatting used as well as the recording that takes place, typically done during the duplication process through a light burner. 

Mini – Disks (MDs).  These are smaller CDs that are used for information and audio that holds specific recording amounts.  Because the size is smaller, there are also not as many tracks for storage space.  You can expect an average of 150 MB of audio space, all which is compressed in order to play the same amount of time.  These particular disks are also re-writable and can transfer from larger CDs to the mini – disks. 

The way in which these three types of formats work for CDs are based around the coating that is placed on each of the CDs.  All CDs will be read through a optical lense or laser that is on a CD.  By changing the coating over the CD, it causes for a different type of reading to take place.  For example, the CD – Rs will have grooves that are placed into the CD, which will stop it from being re-recorded.  CD – RWs; however, have a crystalline coating.  Whenever this is placed on a laser, it allows for the signal to show that, while data is recorded, there is still space and storage to add in more information. 

Beyond these different types of disks, are also capacities that are used for burning.  For instance, there can be a different division between how the duplication takes place.  This is either done through an entire disk at once or a track at one time.  This will depend on whether you want sessions in your CD duplication process and how you want the CD to be placed together.  

Formatting of CDs, as well as the capacities to alter the way in which information is placed on the CD is one of the important elements of CD duplication.  Meeting the standard and understanding your options and how they can work will allow you to further what you are trying to put together and get into the public eye in the correct way.